Meanwhile, Trevan was coming down with what we thought was just a boogery cold, then after waking from his afternoon nap, we noticed he was a bit wheezy. Pauline and Mac went to grab some take out, and Trevan continued to get worse, and a bit panicky for air, so I loaded him up and took him to emergency. Pauline and Mac joined us there, but since Mac was kind of freaked by the noise and look of Trevan's nebulizer, I ended up leaving Pauline with Trevan at the hospital and took Mac home. Luckily, Trevan's O2 levels came back up so that he was released later that night. He is doing much better, but still has a way to go... gets tired pretty fast.
We were going to join my brother and his family for weekend camping at Millersylvania State Park, south of Olympia. Instead, I took Mac down for the day on Friday and Pauline took him down on Saturday. He's becoming quite good at casting and reeling his own rod!
I was able to talk to my Uncle Glenn on Friday. We both chuckled at remembering my grandmother's dislike of our beards. He died on Saturday about noon. The service is on Wednesday of this week in Anaconda, MT, so I'm flying out tomorrow night and will come back early Thursday AM. My cousins asked me to help lead the informal memorial with a couple prayers and scripture.
Yesterday, Mac asked if it could be his turn to go camping, so I made a fire in our patio pit and we made s'mores with him. I also pitched the tent, and--in spite of the rain--he and I camped in the backyard last night. At one point the rain got pretty loud. I asked him if it was keeping him awake. He scooched his sleeping bag closer, hugged my arm and answered, "Yes, but I'm here to keep you company so you don't be scared."
Thank you, God, for coming to us in the shape of our children!
(Here's a pic from last night.)
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