Friday, March 29, 2013

When he said, "Forgive them."

The world has seen no greater love:
            to die for people who befouled His face with spittle,
                        or to pray for those who made His suffering their sport…

That was no bargain day at Calvary, when God was given in
exchange for Man!
            And yet, nobody else would do.

                                    . . .

            “Forgive them” is His last word,
                        mercy is the whole conclusion of the matter,
                                    and affection is the final sentence of His life.

            Here is the love you have been looking for.
                        If your poor life is lost for meaning,
                        If you think you are a burden dragging down society,
                                    Look to the Cross!

            So here,
                        There is no greater love in all the universe.
                        None quite so perfect, nor so vast,
                                    and none so intimate:

The story of Atonement is the story of a King who fell down for a slave,
            and of a Judge becoming his own prisoner.

-Wyn Blair Sutphin, No Greater Love, 1965
sermons on the Last 7 Words of Christ

Monday, March 18, 2013

Prayer Around the Cross: Afterword

These are just used candlesticks
blackened at their wicks,
but more, they're

Lit and nestled down with prayer,
the wax spilled from there
like tears--their

I lift them to clean each one
but pause before it's done
and hold, and

Here are loss, fears, hopes, and aches
so heavy they'll break
unless... there's

As I make these clean and smooth,
please, God: someday soothe
from pain, all

-GSKaurin, 3/18/2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Green Apple and Red Wine

They look good, but they weren't meant to be consumed together!