Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sabbatical, Day 59

Yesterday, I got to the Grunewald Guild just in time for dinner and an orientation for the coming week. I was surprised by the relaxed set up, people and buildings. We were introduced to our teachers, weekly and daily schedule, and warned about the wildlife. There seems to be about 30 students, some from near by, others--like me--from Seattle-Tacoma, a few from around the states, and even three from England. 

Five of us are taking the beginners' "Fearless Oil Painting," and others are divided between "Woven Peace" (weaving), fabric painting, "Soul of the Book" (illustrating sacred art with collage), and calligraphy...all with the intent of exploring faith-art connections and expression.
These and many other classes in the arts extend through each week of summer and are open to anyone with an interest. There are morning and evening worship, and meals are served family style around the tables.

In spite of the friendliness, beauty, and spacious room--I am a bit anxious. Perhaps by this evening I will be more "fearless," but this is as can be expected, I'm trying something new, and art can be a bit intimidating, especially when you don't know the language or the tools. And i am using this week as a kind of sacred space, a pilgrimage... Fits with what I just read last night: Victor Turner's three phases in "religious transition." 1) person/s are separated from roles in normal society, 2) to enter a "marginal, liminal, or transitional" place or stage, 3) in order to be re-incorporated into the same/normal society, but with new roles.

I hope that this week provides to me time, focus, and means to gather some of the notions and stirrings that are just starting to congeal. As I drove over Steven's Pass yesterday, I sensed a new surge of assurance that God's Spirit is speaking, leading... I pray for listening ears and obedience.

This really isn't just about painting, or an art study for me. It's not just about becoming more aware of the use and role of art in faith and worship. It is about listening to God, seeing and hearing where he is... and where he wants me... and my church to go.

The art and architecture around us is meant to express, teach, inspire, accommodate, and direct that movement. Why create a new kitchen alongside a wide and high gathering, dining, cafe area? In order to feed people: with food and the presence, bigness, and beauty of God's Spirit--Visible Words!

Holy God, welcome me into this new place, wash me with renewing experiences. Let me be welcoming, a cleansing person, caring for the well-being, dignity, and health of others.
Holy God, feed me with new learning and people. Free me to take part, to be open. Free new leadership from me. Let me be a feeding, teaching person who frees others with your grace!

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