Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stormy Weather

Doesn't it seem, sometimes, that regional attitudes can develop? I was talking to my my spiritual counselor about the strange surge of upset, frustrated, and sensitive people I've been encountering, and I had to admit my own recent touchiness. He said that it's been a kind of theme recently in his office, too. Is it the stormy spring weather, along with economic anxieties, and awareness of global issues like the tragedy in Japan, the conflicts in Egypt and Libya? And perhaps we feed off of each other through all these means of contact: personal encounters, phone calls (business or otherwise), grocery lines, emails, even facebook and instant messages.

When we're noticing this, let's make sure to take more moments to step briefly under some kind of spiritual awning, and breath in enough strength and assurance to be a different voice and presence for others. Perhaps enough of us doing this can be a part of turning the tide, or at least we can help create islands of a more peaceful sort.