Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year, Charlie Brown - advice and resolutions

"That's one thing you should never do. 
Never sniff in someone's root beer."

I've watched Happy New Year, Charlie Brown! twice with my boys in the last two days. As you might expect, the resolutions, quips, and advice were great! I'll start with my favorite. What is your favorite resolution, line, or bit of advice?

Peppermint Patty [PP]: Have you made any New Year's resolutions, Chuck?
Charlie Brown [CB]: Yes. You know how I always dread the whole year? Well, this time I'm only going to dread one day at a time.


PP: ...What do you think, Chuck, would be good rules for living in the New Year?
CB: Keep the ball low, don't leave your crayons in the sun, use dental floss every day, don't spill the shoe polish, always knock before entering, don't let the ants get in the sugar, never volunteer to be a program chairman, always get your first serve in, and feed your dog when he's hungry.
PP: Will those rules give me a better life, Chuck?
CB: The better life, and a fat dog.


CB: I've decided next year, I'm going to be a "changed person."
Lucy van Pelt: Oh, be serious, Charlie Brown.
CB: No, I mean it. I'm going to be strong and firm.
Lucy: Forget it, Charlie Brown. You'll always be wishy-washy.
CB: Why can't I change just a little bit? I've got it! I'll be wishy one day, washy the next.


Lucy: Your stupid beagle sniffed in my root beer! Look at that! I'll bet it's full of dog germs! Where are my binoculars? ...You see, it's filled with dog germs!
CB: That's one thing you should never do. Never sniff in someone's root beer.


Linus van Pelt: How are you doing with War and Peace, Charlie Brown?
CB: I've just finished reading the dust jacket.
Linus: Many is the book report that has been written by just reading the dust jacket.


Linus: When Leo Tolstoy was writing War and Peace, his wife, Sonya, copied it for him seven times, and she did it by candlelight, and with a dip pen...after their child had been put to bed, and the servants had gone to their garrets, and it was quiet in the house. Just think, Charlie Brown: she wrote the book seven times with a dip pen, and you're telling me you can't even read it once?


Lucy: There's going to be a great New Year's party!
CB: ...But I've got this book report to do.
Lucy: I'm enrolling us in a dance class. A New Year's party is not a party without lots of dancing.